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Mi 1º Sunday Millon

Ayer 12/02/12 jugué mi primer Sunday Millon, al cual había llegado gracias a los steps. Si bien no llegue a los puestos premiados, quede a poco menos de 700 puestos, la experiencia fue muy buena y positiva.
 Yo creía que el torneo iba a costarme, no estoy acostumbrado a jugar con las blinds de 15 minutos, pero lejos de costarme me gusto. Pude jugar buen poker, quizás lo que me falto fue más solidez y defender un poco más las ciegas cuando yo tenia posición.
 A continuación voy a subir un par de manos que en mi opinión fueron las que marcaron mi torneo.
 Pero antes quiero agradecer al foro de pokerstrategy, y en especial a todos los excelentes players que estaban apoyándome en el torneo. Muchas gracias a ellos!
 Si ustedes quieren tener la oportunidad de jugar el Sunday entren a:

 (Disculpen el formato de la mano pero los conversores de mano me fallan).

1#  Esta fue el flip con el que perdí el torneo

  PokerStars Hand #75497546173: Tournament #559020010, $200+$15 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIV (600/1200) - 2012/02/12 20:26:48 ART [2012/02/12 18:26:48 ET]

Table '559020010 290' 9-max Seat #7 is the button

Seat 1: pokerchips14 (17130 in chips) 

Seat 2: Somme (21373 in chips) 

Seat 3: Edison82 (24784 in chips) 

Seat 5: Dietfish666 (51192 in chips) 

Seat 6: juka1974 (80076 in chips) 

Seat 7: mf8480 (56820 in chips) 

Seat 8: Flemming13 (22348 in chips) 

Seat 9: mac milla (55114 in chips) 

pokerchips14: posts the ante 120

Somme: posts the ante 120

Edison82: posts the ante 120

Dietfish666: posts the ante 120

juka1974: posts the ante 120

mf8480: posts the ante 120

Flemming13: posts the ante 120

mac milla: posts the ante 120

Flemming13: posts small blind 600

mac milla: posts big blind 1200

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to pokerchips14 [Jd Js]

pokerchips14: raises 2400 to 3600

Somme: folds 

Edison82: raises 21064 to 24664 and is all-in

Dietfish666: folds 

juka1974: folds 

mf8480: folds 

Flemming13: folds 

mac milla: folds 

pokerchips14: calls 13410 and is all-in

Uncalled bet (7654) returned to Edison82

*** FLOP *** [Kc 6d Kd]

*** TURN *** [Kc 6d Kd] [8h]

*** RIVER *** [Kc 6d Kd 8h] [6c]

*** SHOW DOWN ***

pokerchips14: shows [Jd Js] (two pair, Kings and Jacks)

Edison82: shows [Ac Kh] (a full house, Kings full of Sixes)

Edison82 collected 36780 from pot

pokerchips14 finished the tournament in 1814th place

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 36780 | Rake 0 

Board [Kc 6d Kd 8h 6c]

Seat 1: pokerchips14 showed [Jd Js] and lost with two pair, Kings and Jacks

Seat 2: Somme folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 3: Edison82 showed [Ac Kh] and won (36780) with a full house, Kings full of Sixes

Seat 5: Dietfish666 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 6: juka1974 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 7: mf8480 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 8: Flemming13 (small blind) folded before Flop

Seat 9: mac milla (big blind) folded before Flop

2# Acá gane un increíble bote, lastima que luego no fui más agresivo con los que menos fichas tenian.

PokerStars Hand #75494002159: Tournament #559020010, $200+$15 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level X (250/500) - 2012/02/12 19:23:41 ART [2012/02/12 17:23:41 ET]

Table '559020010 412' 9-max Seat #4 is the button

Seat 1: pokerchips14 (8850 in chips) 

Seat 2: LAWLSHOVE (9240 in chips) 

Seat 3: Jozinho6 (25710 in chips) 

Seat 4: pbutchgolf (17239 in chips) 

Seat 5: srawle (8398 in chips) 

Seat 6: simonek1323 (27044 in chips) 

Seat 7: hlpoker (16710 in chips) 

Seat 8: FoRtInI_24 (13122 in chips) 

Seat 9: jbrown8777 (20859 in chips) 

pokerchips14: posts the ante 50

LAWLSHOVE: posts the ante 50

Jozinho6: posts the ante 50

pbutchgolf: posts the ante 50

srawle: posts the ante 50

simonek1323: posts the ante 50

hlpoker: posts the ante 50

FoRtInI_24: posts the ante 50

jbrown8777: posts the ante 50

srawle: posts small blind 250

simonek1323: posts big blind 500

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to pokerchips14 [Ac Kd]

hlpoker: folds 

FoRtInI_24: raises 1000 to 1500

jbrown8777: folds 

pokerchips14: raises 7300 to 8800 and is all-in


Jozinho6: folds 

pbutchgolf: folds 

srawle: folds 

simonek1323: raises 18194 to 26994 and is all-in

FoRtInI_24: calls 11572 and is all-in

Uncalled bet (13922) returned to simonek1323

*** FLOP *** [8s 3s 7h]

*** TURN *** [8s 3s 7h] [Ks]

*** RIVER *** [8s 3s 7h Ks] [6h]

*** SHOW DOWN ***

simonek1323: shows [Qd Qc] (a pair of Queens)

FoRtInI_24: shows [5c 5d] (a pair of Fives)

simonek1323 collected 8544 from side pot

pokerchips14: shows [Ac Kd] (a pair of Kings)

pokerchips14 collected 27100 from main pot

FoRtInI_24 finished the tournament in 3588th place

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 35644 Main pot 27100. Side pot 8544. | Rake 0 

Board [8s 3s 7h Ks 6h]

Seat 1: pokerchips14 showed [Ac Kd] and won (27100) with a pair of Kings

Seat 2: LAWLSHOVE folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 3: Jozinho6 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 4: pbutchgolf (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 5: srawle (small blind) folded before Flop

Seat 6: simonek1323 (big blind) showed [Qd Qc] and won (8544) with a pair of Queens

Seat 7: hlpoker folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 8: FoRtInI_24 showed [5c 5d] and lost with a pair of Fives

Seat 9: jbrown8777 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

3# Menos mal que me tocó el T!

PokerStars Hand #75491577238: Tournament #559020010, $200+$15 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (150/300) - 2012/02/12 18:43:31 ART [2012/02/12 16:43:31 ET]

Table '559020010 412' 9-max Seat #3 is the button

Seat 1: pokerchips14 (4420 in chips) 

Seat 2: LAWLSHOVE (6485 in chips) 

Seat 3: foyz555 (6060 in chips) 

Seat 4: pbutchgolf (20739 in chips) 

Seat 5: srawle (13828 in chips) 

Seat 6: simonek1323 (13566 in chips) 

Seat 7: bombuslol (7251 in chips) 

Seat 8: Elec58 (5571 in chips) 

Seat 9: jbrown8777 (14400 in chips) 

pokerchips14: posts the ante 30

LAWLSHOVE: posts the ante 30

foyz555: posts the ante 30

pbutchgolf: posts the ante 30

srawle: posts the ante 30

simonek1323: posts the ante 30

bombuslol: posts the ante 30

Elec58: posts the ante 30

jbrown8777: posts the ante 30

pbutchgolf: posts small blind 150

srawle: posts big blind 300

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to pokerchips14 [Ts Td]

simonek1323: folds 

bombuslol: folds 

Elec58: folds 

jbrown8777: folds 

pokerchips14: raises 600 to 900


foyz555 has timed out while disconnected

foyz555: folds 

foyz555 is sitting out

foyz555 has returned

pbutchgolf: raises 1200 to 2100

srawle: folds 

pokerchips14: raises 2290 to 4390 and is all-in

pbutchgolf: calls 2290

*** FLOP *** [3c Tc 6s]

*** TURN *** [3c Tc 6s] [9h]

*** RIVER *** [3c Tc 6s 9h] [2d]

*** SHOW DOWN ***

pbutchgolf: shows [Qd Qc] (a pair of Queens)

pokerchips14: shows [Ts Td] (three of a kind, Tens)

pokerchips14 collected 9350 from pot

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 9350 | Rake 0 

Board [3c Tc 6s 9h 2d]

Seat 1: pokerchips14 showed [Ts Td] and won (9350) with three of a kind, Tens

Seat 2: LAWLSHOVE folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 3: foyz555 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 4: pbutchgolf (small blind) showed [Qd Qc] and lost with a pair of Queens

Seat 5: srawle (big blind) folded before Flop

Seat 6: simonek1323 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 7: bombuslol folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 8: Elec58 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 9: jbrown8777 folded before Flop (didn't bet)


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